Looking For the Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors? Look no Further!

Ash Hardwood Flooring

As a young boy, I was pretty clumsy with things and ended up many a times, spilling water or fruit punch on the hardwood floor of my house. This ended up in an instant fuming response from my mother who’d keep reminding me how expensive the flooring is and how my clumsiness is eventually going to reduce its life-span. She’d follow this by using the, then, ‘best way to clean hardwood floors’, with a mop, over and over again with plentiful water!

Today the best way to clean hardwood floors is a confluence of mopping, waxing, use of finishers and overall precautions on a day to day basis. When you mop, the idea is to give the floor a little moisture before you use finishers or waxing agents and not drown the floor! So people who consider the best way to clean hardwood floors is by throwing buckets and buckets of water on the floor and then take a mop and start swabbing have to realize that you are mopping a floor, not the deck of a pirate ship! Wood absorbs water and can ends up in cracking or splintering the wood. Even the broom you use should not be some old rag that you tie to the end of a rod but a good quality mop.

Waxing a floor gives it a beautiful shine and is mostly recommended for hardwood floors; however the kind of wax used also determines the best way to clean hardwood floors. It is usually advisable not to wax a hardwood floor with a urethane finish. The cleaners that you use must be of good quality and they should not leave any kind of residue or film on the surface of the wooden floor. The best way to clean hardwood floors is perhaps the simplest of all; keep your eyes open! Sticky spots, spillages, over exposure to sunlight, all these factors hamper the life span of hardwood floors and can damage its longevity.

What you must realize however that once you do get a good hardwood floor installed, its life span depends on how you maintain it and how you go about cleaning it on a daily basis. The concept of spring cleaning , i.e. cleaning done once in a period of 3 months can decrease the quality of the wood and most definitely is not the best way to clean hardwood floors.

That being said, it’s imperative that you take care of your hardwood floors and use the best way to clean hardwood floors, unless you’re a loincloth wearing ape man with free and plentiful good quality hardwood around you!

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